Saturday, October 29, 2011

Every Day is Halloween

Sorry I haven't blogged much lately. I've been busy HAVING A BOOK PUBLISHED. Yeah, it's like that. Actually, I've been writing pretty furiously. And now I've got the first e-galleys of the book to look over for misprints or any last second corrections I need to make. I should be done with that within the week (because I don't really do anything else except play Xbox and pass out from migraines) and then after that we'll be sitting pretty for a Holiday Season release! YAAAAAY!!!!

Anyway, when I'm not writing or forgetting where I put stuff, I occasionally go to do things with friends. Last night I went to a Halloween party at Val's place. I've got another party to go to tonight but I may have to cancel because I'm already feeling a migraine coming on--Sorry, Dave and Nina! I will most definitely try to make it though, if only for a little while.

Anyhoo, here are some pictures of the party, starting with my Halloween costume.

Awesome, eh? Okay, no...that isn't me. That's my character from Fallout: New Vegas. Still, he looks pretty bad ass there. I'm actually disappointed because I didn't get to do the costume I wanted because I'm lazy and annoying. I'll do it next year, though.

Here is what I actually wore:

Yeah, that's Green Man from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Well, not the Green Man, my friend Jake as Green Man. My costume was a rather slapdash affair. I spent 10 bucks on that skull mask. The rest of it is just stuff I actually wear. Because I'm that cool.

So here is me, dressed as what I was, and Val, dressed as an existentialist French girl named Fifi. We titled this one, Fifi Flirts with Death. I know they say a pictures says a thousand words, but if that's true then it must take well over a thousand to convey just how emotionally disturbing Val's costume was...not just on us, but on him. You can't really tell from this photo but those are purple leopard-print tights that his sister is never going to be able to wear again. 

Speaking of Val's sister, here is the lovely miss Jacquelyn dressed as a bee! And me, dressed as a creepy old guy standing next to a teenager in a skull mask. Shut up.

This is Jason know what? I actually think it's better if I don't try to explain this one.

And then here are some other party goers in their lovely costumes. 

There were more pictures taken later, by other people. But I didn't get that many. Amanda didn't show up to the party until late, and by then I was too drunk to hold a camera but I know some other people took pictures and they'll post them and I'll share. Amanda's costume was adorable, though. So, as soon as someone gets me a picture of it I'll post it on here.

Hope everyone has a great Halloween!

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