Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cover Art for The Shadow of Tiamat

The cover art for The Shadow of Tiamat is completed! It's a fine piece of work by Jeannie Ruesch, who has done several covers for the 'Moon. I had asked for her to do my cover after being impressed with her work on Ciara Knight's The Curse of Gremdon and Agnes Jaynes's The Problem with Power. The choice was ultimately up to the folks at the 'Moon, but I knew even if I didn't get Jeannie I'd get a great cover because they have a lot of really great cover artists. Many of you have already seen this, but for those of you who haven't--or just like looking at it over and over like I do--here it is in all it's glory:

As you can see, Jeannie has incorporated the symbol of Tiamat that I created, though she's made it much nicer and smoother than my earlier, ham-fisted fumblings.

I am VERY excited about this. I think it's a beautiful cover, and it captures the mixture of ancient world mysticism and deep, Ozark forests that are so prominent in my book. I'm happy with my cover, and am looking forward to seeing it on the book. I hope you all are, too!

Note: cover art is the property of Crescent Moon Press Inc. and may not be used without their permission. The "symbol of Tiamat" is property of Sean T. Poindexter and cannot be used without permission of the owner.


  1. Lovin' the cover, Sean!

  2. I think it looks frickin' amazing, man! Glad to see that we know what to look for now :) Damn I'm excited :-D


Praise Tiamat